My name is Rebecca. I am playfully known as ‘Pixie’ by my students and friends. I am a lover of all types of movement, creativity, personal development and play.
I originally grew up in England but have been lucky enough to travel the world doing what I love, teaching people to go upside down and flip their perspective both physically and mentally.

How I began:
I was introduced to yoga whilst I worked as a performer, specialising in physical theatre and mime. I was studying clowning in Barcelona when I took my first yoga class. At first I was only interested in it as a form of physical exercise but when I recognised yoga's ability to help me manage my anxiety (I struggled with panic attacks in my teens and early twenties) I became more interested in how yoga can support both mental and emotional health and well-being.

My early influences:
I initially trained as an Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher in Thailand. However, after a few years I became restless and curious to expand my knowledge of yoga further. This is when I stumbled across Duncan Wong and his Yogic Arts System which is a cool combination of Yoga, Martial Arts, Dance and Thai Massage. It was his unique approach that got me interested in how yoga can be interdisciplinary. This encouraged me to connect with my roots as a performer and study different movement genres including dance, circus, martial arts and capoeira.

Putting down roots:
After studying with Duncan Wong I became his assistant and started travelling the world with him assisting and eventually leading classes, workshops and training. He also introduced me to his sister US based Heather Kamala who became a good friend and mentor. Heather introduced me to her Children’s Yoga System KiDo Kids Yoga which took me back to my early roots as a teacher and youth theatre director. Soon I began to develop and lead Children’s Workshops and training with her.